Mapping the Distribution
of Free Wi-Fi Hotspots
in Manhattan
Columbia University
Fall 2022
How are Free Wi-Fi hotspots distributed in Manhattan, NY?
The map below illustrates the spatial distribution of Wi-Fi hotspots by type, as well as in relation to median household income by census tract.

From the analysis, we discovered that of the 789 total Wi-Fi hotspots, 690 are free, 97 are limited free, and 2 managed by partner sites. These hotspots are located predominantly along subway lines, and in open green spaces, with Central Park being a prime example. Moreover, Wi-Fi hotspots tend to be more evident in in census tracts with higher median incomes such as in the Upper West and East sides. There are noticeably less Wi-Fi hotspots in lower income areas such as in Upper Manhattan, and the Lower East Side.
Read the full report here
ArcGIS Pro, Adobe Illustrator

Table Join, Querying by Attribute, Geoprocessing, Summary Statistics, NYC Open Data, ACS, Census