Site Suitability Analysis
for a New Library in
Queens, New York
Columbia University
Fall 2022
Which site would best benefit from a new public library in Queens, New York?
Through a multi-criterion decision analysis, I mapped the suitability of sites for a new public library in Queens, New York. The suitability of the vacant lots was calculated by performing map algebra on the following decision layers: distance from the nearest public library, affordable housing density, percentage of adults without a high school diploma, percentage of populations under 18, percentage of foreign born populations, and percentage of population with English as a second language. The variables were chosen in an effort to increase access to vulnerable populations

Two decision layers, proximity to an existing library and density of residential development, were ranked with more weight. These were weighed three times, and two times more, respectively. Once the suitability scores were calculated, the physical attributes of the lot such as size and shape, were taken into account. Three lots were chosen as recommended sites for new libraries based on the analysis.
Read the full report here
ArcGIS Pro, Adobe Illustrator, NYC Open Data
Kernel Density Estimations, Euclidian Distance Raster, Map Algebra, Multi-step, vector- and raster-based, geoprocessing-centric decision analysis